Handmade Rasgulla Recipe-cityinfood

Handmade Rasgulla Recipe-cityinfoo

Homemade Cottage Cheese Balls

Rasgulla, a beloved dessert originating from the Indian subcontinent, has earned its place as a cherished sweet treat worldwide. The soft, spongy cheese balls soaked in a delicately sweet sugar syrup are not just a culinary delight but also a testament to the rich cultural tapestry of the region. Making Handmade Rasgulla at home provides an opportunity to savor this delightful confection in its purest form, tailor-made to one’s taste preferences. So, let’s embark on a culinary journey, exploring the art of crafting these delectable delights right in the heart of your kitchen. Handmade Rasgulla Recipe-cityinfood.

Handmade Rasgulla Recipe-cityinfoo

Handmade Rasgulla Method

Equipment Needed:

Before we dive into the intricacies of crafting Handmade Rasgulla, let’s ensure we have the necessary tools at our disposal. To embark on this culinary adventure, you’ll need:

  1. Heavy-bottomed Pan: For boiling milk and preparing the sugar syrup.
  2. Muslin Cloth: To strain the curdled milk and obtain the chenna (cheese).
  3. Clean Surface: For kneading the chenna into a smooth and soft consistency.
  4. Wide and Deep Pan: To simmer the sugar syrup and cook the Rasgulla.
  5. Spatula or Ladle: For stirring and maneuvering the Rasgulla in the sugar syrup.
  6. Bowl of Water: To check the doneness of the Rasgulla.

Now that we have our tools ready, let’s delve into the step-by-step process of creating this delightful dessert.


  • 1 cup full-fat milk
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice or white vinegar
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder
  • A few strands of saffron (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon rose water (optional

Step by Step Instructions

Prepare Chenna:

  • Heat the milk in a heavy-bottomed pan until it comes to a boil.
  • Add lemon juice or white vinegar gradually while stirring until the milk curdles.
  • Once the whey separates from the curd, strain it using a muslin cloth to obtain the chenna (cheese). Rinse the chenna under cold water to remove any traces of lemon or vinegar.

  1 Knead the Chenna:

  • Transfer the chenna to a clean surface and knead it well for about 5-7 minutes until it becomes smooth and soft. This is important to get the right texture for your Rasgulla.

  2. Shape into Balls:

  • Divide the chenna into small portions and roll each portion into smooth, crack-free balls. Make sure there are no cracks on the surface.

  3. Prepare Sugar Syrup:

    • In a wide and deep pan, combine sugar and water. Bring it to a boil, stirring until the sugar dissolves completely.
    • Add cardamom powder and saffron strands (if using). Simmer the syrup for a few minutes.

 4.   Cook Rasgulla:

    • Gently drop the chenna balls into the simmering sugar syrup.
    • Cover the pan and let them cook for about 15-20 minutes on medium heat. They will double in size.

 5. Check Doneness:

    • To check if Rasgulla is cooked, drop a small piece into a bowl of water. If it sinks to the bottom, it’s ready. If it floats, continue cooking.

 6. Cool and Serve:

    • Once cooked, allow the Rasgulla to cool in the sugar syrup. Optionally, add rose water for fragrance.
    • Serve chilled or at room temperature. Enjoy your  Handmade Rasgulla Recipe-cityinfood!
Handmade Rasgulla Recipe-cityinfood

Time Involved for making Rasugulla

Preparing Chenna
Kneading Chenna
Shaping into Balls
15-20 minutes
5-7 minutes
10-15 minutes
Preparing Sugar Syrup
Cooking Rasgulla
Cooling and Serving
10 minutes
15-20 minutes
30 minutes

Keep in mind that these times are approximate and may vary based on factors such as your experience level, kitchen setup, and specific recipe variations. Additionally, allowing extra time for any unexpected delays or adjustments is always a good practice when trying out a new recipe.

Tips For Perfections

  1. Quality Milk Matters:

    • Begin with full-fat milk for a richer chenna, vital for a soft Rasgulla.
  2. Smooth Kneading is Key:

    • Transitioning to the chenna, ensure consistent and thorough kneading for a smooth texture.
  3. Crack-Free Shaping:

    • When shaping, apply gentle pressure for crack-free, smooth Rasgulla.
  4. Fresh Ingredients Ensure Quality:

    • Use fresh ingredients, particularly in the leavening agent, for optimal sponginess.
  5. Enhance Flavorful Syrup:

    • Elevate the sugar syrup with cardamom and saffron for a subtle aromatic touch.
  6. Balanced Cooking Time:

    • Cook for 15-20 minutes, avoiding overcooking for the perfect spongy texture.
  7. Water Test for Doneness:

    • Check doneness with a water test; if it sinks, it’s ready; if it floats, give it more time.
  8. Optimal Cooling in Syrup:

    • Allow the Rasgulla to cool in the sugar syrup for enhanced absorption.
  9. Storage and Reheating:

    • Store in the refrigerator and bring to room temperature or gently reheat before serving.
  10. Flavor Experimentation:

    • Experiment with additional flavors like rose water or cardamom for personalization.
  11. Practice Patience:

    • Embrace practice; achieving the perfect consistency takes time and experience.
  12. Enjoy Freshness:

    • Best enjoyed fresh or within a day or two for optimal taste and texture.

About Rasugulla

Rasgulla, a cherished dessert from the Indian subcontinent, is a spongy confection with origins in West Bengal, India. Transitioning from fresh chenna to airy orbs, it embodies simplicity and sweetness. To begin the process, milk is curdled, shaping the result into balls, and then simmering them in a sugar syrup. Rasgulla captivates with its melt-in-the-mouth texture and subtle flavor.

Beyond its regional roots, Rasgulla has become a global delight, and it is adored for its harmonious blend of simplicity and sophistication. Furthermore, associated with celebrations, it symbolizes joy and togetherness, showcasing the rich culinary heritage passed down through generations.

In essence, Rasgulla is more than a dessert; it’s a celebration on a plate, bringing people together through the universal language of sweetness. Handmade Rasgulla Recipe-cityinfood.


In conclusion, the process of making  Handmade Rasgulla Recipe-cityinfood. not only unveils the secrets behind this cherished dessert but also invites you to partake in the joy of crafting a culinary masterpiece. With the right tools, a bit of patience, and a sprinkle of passion, you can transform your kitchen into a sweet haven, producing Rasgulla that rivals the best confections. So, indulge in the art of homemade delicacies, and let the sweet aroma of success fill your home.


  1. Q: Can I use low-fat milk to make Rasgulla?

    • A: While full-fat milk is recommended for a richer texture, you can use low-fat milk. However, the results may vary in terms of the softness and sponginess of the Rasgulla.
  2. Q: How can I prevent cracks in the chenna balls?

    • A: Ensure thorough kneading of the chenna to attain a smooth consistency. Additionally, while shaping the balls, apply gentle and even pressure to avoid cracks.
  3. Q: Is it necessary to use saffron and rose water?

    • A: No, saffron and rose water are optional. They add a subtle fragrance and flavor, enhancing the overall experience, but the Rasgulla will still be delicious without them.
  4. Q: Can I make Rasgulla ahead of time?

    • A: Absolutely! Rasgulla can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator for a few days. Allow them to come to room temperature or reheat gently before serving.
  5. Q: What should I do if my Rasgulla is not spongy enough?

    • A: Ensure that the chenna is kneaded well and that the cooking time is sufficient. Also, check the freshness of the baking soda, as it plays a crucial role in achieving the desired sponginess.

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